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27 Compromised Echo Chambers

Sopo Kashakashvili

An echoing assemblage of voices in a dialogue about love, compromise, and the gaps in between, from 1923 up to today

Length: 14:46

Voices present in the piece:

Susan Sontag

Maya Angelou

Angela Davis

Tracy Emin

Deborah Levy

Gertrude Stein

Alice Walker

Judith Butler

Miriam Shapiro

Sylvia Federici

Sharon Salzberg

Alicia Keys

May Ayim

Maggie Nelson

Lauryn Hill

Bell Hooks

Pat Steir

Nan Goldin

Mary Oliver

Kiki Smith

Dolores Huerta

Toni Morrison

Margaret Artwood

Judy Chicago

Pussy Riot

Ertha Kitt

Audrey Lorde


Curated by Ben Livne-Weitzman. All rights reserved to the named artists, writers, curators, and other contributors.

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